Leerkracht Annemie De Corte stelde tentoon in Munchen.
“When you visit Schmuck’14 at the international Handwerksmesse in Hall B1 you will see some of my work at ‘Modern Masters’, Meister Der Moderne, from 12 until 18 march.
Contemporary works by internationally renowned craftspeople and masters of the applied arts: around 32 artists from 12 different countries will be exhibiting a range of creations from the categories of glass, wood, ceramics, metal, textiles and jewellery.”

Annemie De Corte en Elke-Helene Hügel
“I had a great time at Schmuck’14. It was nice to meet Elke-Helene Hügel, curator of Meister der Moderne, and so many more artists. Unfortunately I had to leave to soon. “, Annemie